181 Main Street, Suite 225 | Birmingham, AL 35244 | 205-733-4893 | 855-733-4893 Toll Free| Monday - Saturday 10:00am - 6:00pm | Sunday by Appointment
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New LumiGraph Fine Art Replication Technology

Thomas Kinkade is pleased to announce the newest innovation in fine art printing technology….LumiGraph Art.

The LumiGraph process captures Thom's artistic vision and transforms each replication into a masterpiece with vibrant colors, rich textures and color correctness. LumiGraph's leading technology enables the creation of long lasting, superior quality replications and each LumiGraph replication is backed by a guarantee from the Thomas Kinkade Company.

During the digital capture stage of each replication, a Better Light scan-back digital camera is used. Better Light is the industry leader in fine art digital capture technology. All digital captures are viewed on a color calibrated computer system. An on site color balancing expert will insure exact color replication.

With the LumiGraph process the replication process is finely tuned, tightly integrated and extremely accurate.

The new LumiGraph replication process will begin with the first published Limited Edition release of 2004, Make A Wish Cottage, and will be the process used on all future Limited Edition canvas reproductions.

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