181 Main Street, Suite 225 | Birmingham, AL 35244 | 205-733-4893 | 855-733-4893 Toll Free| Monday - Saturday 10:00am - 6:00pm | Sunday by Appointment
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Special Financing
From GE Capital

Our store credit / financing program from GE Capital allows us to offer you monthly payments to fit your budget:


  6 MONTHS                          9 MONTHS                                12 MONTHS

With credit approval interest is deferred during the promotional period.  Minimum monthly payments are required and no interest will be charged as long as the entire balance is paid in full by the end of the promotional period.

Financing Period               Purchase Amount
6 MONTH                             $500 and up
9 MONTH                             $1,500 and up
12 MONTH                          $2,500 and up

*Download a Printable Application

Download, print and complete our credit application and bring it with you to the gallery.  It takes just a few minutes for us to submit your application for credit.  If approved, you can purchase right away.



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